You want a number in front of your structural elements like
, chapter
, section
The DocBook XSL stylesheets provide already a decent numbering
scheme for high level divisions like parts, appendices, chapters,
and references. The most common use is numbering section. If you
want to automatically number section titles, set the
parameter either
manually or through a customization layer, for example:
<xsl:param name="section.autolabel" select="1"/>
The DocBook XSL stylesheets contain autolabel parameters for
the common elements appendix
, chapter
, preface
, qandadiv
, and section
. These can be set
individually to change the numbering of for the same elements. The
default values are shown in Table 4.1, “Autolabel Parameters and their Default Values”.
Parameter | Default | Example |
appendix.autolabel | A | Appendix A. Python 3 |
chapter.autolabel | 1 | Chapter 1. A Tutorial Introduction |
part.autolabel | I | Part I. The Python Language |
preface.autolabel | 0 | Prefaces are usually not numbered |
qandadiv.autolabel | 1 | 3.1 Installation Questions |
reference.autolabel | I | I. Python Reference |
section.autolabel | 0 | Not numbered by default |
The autolabel parameters can contain the following values:
A value of zero disables the automatic numbering. For example, if you want to disable automatic numbering for appendix elements, use this:
<xsl:param name="appendix.autolabel" select="0"/>
A value of one enables the automatic numbering and uses arabic numerals. For example, section numbering is disabled by default. Use the code in the Solution section.
A string enables a different automatic numbering schema, for example roman numerals. See the following table to get an overview.
Value | Alternative Value | Style | Example |
1 | arabic | Arabic numerals | 1, 2, 3, 4, … |
I | upperroman | Uppercase roman numerals | I, II, III, IV, … |
i | lowerroman | Lowercase roman numerals | i, ii, iii, iv, … |
A | upperalpha | Uppercase letters | A, B, C, D, … |
a | loweralpha | Lowercase letters | a, b, c, d, … |
١ | arabicindic | Arabic-Indic numerals | ١, ٢, ٣, ٤, … |
Mostly you will probably want sections to be numbered
including its parent numbering. If you do not touch
, use the parameter
and set it to 1
<xsl:param name="section.autolabel" select="1"/> <xsl:param name="section.label.includes.component.label" select="1"/>
With the following parameters you can further customize your numbering:
Controls if appendix or chapter number labels are prefixed with their contained part label.
Defines if the components inside a part is renumbered or not. A value of non-zero restarts the chapter number and counts again from one. Use this numbering if you want unambiguous numerals.
The value zero (the default) restarts the component number throughout each book.
Controls which sections get a number. By default, all
sections are get numbered (default value is
.) If you want to number only sections
at level 1, set the parameter to the value
Let us assume the following structure in a book:
Part: The Python Language Chapter: A Tutorial Introduction Section: Running Python Section: Variables Chapter: Lexical Conventions and Syntax Section: Line Structure and Indentation Section: Identifiers and Reserved Words Part: The Python Library Chapter: Build-In Functions Section: Build-In Functions and Types Section: Build-In Exceptions Chapter: Python Runtime Services Section: atext Section: copy
Parameters | Result | ||||
No parameters set, using the default settings | I. The Python Language 1. A Tutorial Introduction Running Python Variables 2. Lexical Conventions and Syntax Line Structure and Indentation Identifiers and Reserved Words II. The Python Library 3. Build-In Functions Build-In Functions and Types Build-In Exceptions 4. Python Runtime Services atext copy | ||||
| I. The Python Language 1. A Tutorial Introduction 1. Running Python 2. Variables 2. Lexical Conventions and Syntax 1. Line Structure and Indentation 2. Identifiers and Reserved Words II. The Python Library 3. Build-In Functions 1. Build-In Functions and Types 2. Build-In Exceptions 4. Python Runtime Services 1. atexit 2. copy | ||||
| I. The Python Language 1. A Tutorial Introduction 1.1. Running Python 1.2. Variables 2. Lexical Conventions and Syntax 2.1. Line Structure and Indentation 2.2. Identifiers and Reserved Words II. The Python Library 3. Build-In Functions 3.1. Build-In Functions and Types 3.2. Build-In Exceptions 4. Python Runtime Services 4.1. atexit 4.2. copy | ||||
| I. The Python Language I.1. A Tutorial Introduction I.1.1. Running Python I.1.2. Variables I.2. Lexical Conventions and Syntax I.2.1. Line Structure and Indentation I.2.2. Identifiers and Reserved Words II. The Python Library II.3. Build-In Functions II.3.1. Build-In Functions and Types II.3.2. Build-In Exceptions II.4. Python Runtime Services II.4.1. atexit II.4.2. copy | ||||
| I. The Python Language I.1. A Tutorial Introduction I.1.1. Running Python I.1.2. Variables I.2. Lexical Conventions and Syntax I.2.1. Line Structure and Indentation I.2.2. Identifiers and Reserved Words II. The Python Library II.1. Build-In Functions II.1.1. Build-In Functions and Types II.1.2. Build-In Exceptions II.2. Python Runtime Services II.2.1. atexit II.2.2. copy |
However, when dealing with other numbering systems, the above
parameters are not enough. To support, for example, Japanese numbering,
you need to customize the named template
<xsl:template name="autolabel.format">
<xsl:param name="context" select="."/>
<xsl:param name="format"/>
<xsl:when test="string($format) != 0">
<xsl:when test="string($format)='001'">
<xsl:value-of select="$format"/>
<xsl:when test="$format='loweralpha' or $format='a'">
<xsl:value-of select="'a'"/>
<xsl:when test="$format='lowerroman' or $format='i'">
<xsl:value-of select="'i'"/>
<xsl:when test="$format='upperalpha' or $format='A'">
<xsl:value-of select="'A'"/>
<xsl:when test="$format='upperroman' or $format='I'">
<xsl:value-of select="'I'"/>
<xsl:when test="$format='arabicindic' or $format='١'">
<xsl:value-of select="'١'"/>
<xsl:when test="$format='japanese' or $format='一'">
<xsl:value-of select="'一'"/>
<xsl:text>Unexpected </xsl:text>
<xsl:value-of select="local-name(.)"/>
<xsl:text>.autolabel value: </xsl:text>
<xsl:value-of select="$format"/>
<xsl:text>; using default.</xsl:text>
<xsl:call-template name="default.autolabel.format"/>
Unfortunately, the xsltproc processor does not support this currently (as in version 1.1.24). Only Saxon does it correct.
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