You need to know how to insert a graphic to your titlepage.
To insert a graphic to one of your title pages, you need to create a template for titlepages as described in Section 4.2, “Designing a Title Page”.
To add your graphic, the XSL-FO specification has defined an
to encapsulate an
element. Additionally,
there are many, many options to modify your graphic on the
title pages like scaling or positioning. The following listing
show how to use both elements.
<fo:block space-before="1em" space-after="1em"> <fo:external-graphic src="{$img.src.path}/your-graphic.svg"/> </fo:block>
Depending on the position within the customized title
element, where you want to place your graphic, you must place
the fo:block-container
before or after the title
The following example places the graphic after the document title. The graphic is scaled by 50% and the aspect ratio is preserved.
<xsl:template match="d:title" mode=""> <fo:block xmlns:fo="" xsl:use-attribute-sets="" text-align="center" font-size="32pt" space-before="18.6624pt" font-weight="bold"> <xsl:call-template name="division.title"> <xsl:with-param name="node" select="ancestor-or-self::d:book[1]"/> </xsl:call-template> <fo:block space-before="1em" space-after="1em"> <fo:external-graphic src="{$img.src.path}/your-graphic.svg" content-height="50%" scaling="uniform"/> </fo:block> </fo:block> </xsl:template>
It's a good idea to use only supported high resolution bitmap graphics (300x300 dpi) or supported vector graphics for your title page. Otherwise you may notice that your graphic looks like small blocks.
Your graphic is placed between the left and right margins of your title page. Depending on the graphic size, the graphic will be scaled up or down automatically.
The W3C recommendation for fo:external-graphic
How to Bring XSL-FO External Graphic to Front
Supported graphic formats
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