Difficulty: ★☆☆ (easy)
Keywords: author, authorgroup, personname, person.name


You need to format an author, a group of authors, or any other name of persons.


The DocBook stylesheets provide the template person.name for a single name or person.name.list for a group of names. For example, consider the following info element:


To retrieve the author name, use the following code in your template:

<xsl:call-template name="person.name">
  <xsl:with-param name="node" select="$theauthor"/>

where the variable theauthor points to the author node. The previous template returns the expected string:

Tux Penguin

For a group of names it is similar, just replace person.name with person.name.list.


At first glance, names seem pretty easy to format. However, it is a little bit more complicated. For example, the title of a person, its lineage, or middle names can make it sometimes harder to extract all the information. The following author contains a title and a lineage:


Depending on what you need, the DocBook stylesheets can format the name in different ways

Table 2.4. Overview of Available Templates
Dr. Tux Tuxy Penguin, Jr
Penguin, Tux
Penguin Tux [FAMILY Given]

Keep in mind, the current implementation only takes into account the first occurrence of honorific or lineage.
